You have no legal authority to make a settlment into a mandate that doesn't belong to you. Hohenfels is now handled by winterlyn, if you want to make it a mandate consult with niller first.

Odficial government statement:

Being that

  1. it was stated nowhere on the wiki that niller was next in line for the throne leaving the throne vacant
  2. associate states are vassal states of the Commonwealth reichsrat, not any federal state sprcifically
  3. associate states hold no personal soverignty, only autonomy as much as the RR wants to give them
  4. the house of kuroki abdicated the throne of hohenfels

establishment of the mandatory of hohenfels is the proper constitutional decision. The kaisership stands by its decision and would like to inform the now ex-Grand Duke that if he wished to put this system in place he should have informed the reichsrat of the line of sucsession in some way by enshrining it on the wiki, not just acting in reaction to the kaisers natural chain of events.

1.It states in the wiki, house of kuroki, that niller is third inline. The house of kuroki did not abdicate the throne, I did. Are you stupid? Name where I said the House of Kuroki is abdicating hohenfels? I said I personally resign and leave it's care in the hands of niller, next in line. So fuck off with your shit. Niller already agreed to take it, if you have any problems talk with him and stop shitposting on the wiki.
2. Associated states are vessels, and this particular one is a vessel of Winterlyn not breshik, NOT YOURS to do as you wish.
3. You are violating Winterlynian sovereignty.
4. > should have informed the reichsrat of the line of sucsession in some way by enshrining it on the wiki, not just acting in reaction to the kaisers natural chain of events.

Everyone knows about my line of succession, just because you're an idiot and can't look it up, doesn't mean I have to tell you (you don't tell everyone who's next in line either, you leave it in the wiki for everyone to read, so stop being a moron and use your tiny useless brain you hot head). Most importantly Niller has consented and said he is taking hohenfels. Like I said before, if you want to make it a mandate, ask niller, it's his vassal not yours to do what you want. Stop thinking you own everything in the COM, this is not Breshik anymore, you stupid devolved hairless monkey.

Note: Even if the House of Hohenfels/Kuroki had abdicated Hohenfels (which it did not, since Duchess Refyr is second in line, during the handing over of hohens to Winterlyn), the house of Winterlyn is still heir to Hohenfels. If you cannot understand this, then you're an idiot beyond repair.

  • talk/nations/citystates/hohenfels.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:02
  • (external edit)