We are in internal debates on to be a nation or a settlement and the best way to decide leadership of the new land. recomendations from outsiders are appreciated.

Become a nation it allows you to claim more land plus you can participate in wars. — green kitten 2013/02/28 03:44

For political fun times I'd recommend becoming a nation, you could sell alignment, invest in lands, acquire legal revenge through wars (as a means of ensuring payment, a “You make Good or we make War” policy not to mention extortion racketeering), a settlement would be fine for staying as a humble, intriguing mercenary group, but that might be squandering the BCMG's (earning) potential. Leadership is hard to make a call on, it's an internal issue for you to decide. Some vanilla recommendations, either promote your current leader/most positively active member, or form a small council (3-5 members). — Juinn

  • talk/guilds/badface_company_mercenary_guild.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:02
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