I suggest permabanning him on wiki, this has gone too far. - mazznoff
but then who will make new articles relating to his autism when he gets unbanned from politics? — green kitten 2012/07/14 15:41
you. —Rosenmann
I have enough to write about with my autism, never mind someone else's :-P
green kitten 2012/07/14 21:13

I find it amusing after I lost the motivation to even check the wiki on a regular basis, let alone have a physical presence on the server, you decide to put forward this vote. — YugoTexas 2012/08/01 00:16

Drive you away to drag you back in i guess - FlakeSe

  • talk/decisions/yugobill.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:02
  • (external edit)