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Warning this Article contains Butthurt. And now it contains a lack of understanding of wiki syntax.

Land Run

Amount of breshik used is in red vs amount claimed. The claimed land moves further north, with no real hope of actual settlement. “What does butthurt mean? Well everyone says it, so I will too.” \\-Shakomatic, King of the Kids

A land run is a phenomenon that has repeatedly occurred within the game when new nations claim large swaths of land they have no way of filling out. Examples include Kurwa(although arguably more suited to the amount claimed than others), Breshik, Lakota,* Ijs Island(possibly a parody of other land runs), and Westward Isles.

*To be noted is that Lakota never intended to gain so much land, and is constantly ceding more to Kurwa, their neighbor.

  • memes/land_run.1310192701.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:01
  • (external edit)