Enton comes back after a week vacation and when I go to log on I'm greeted with this lovely message.

Let's recap, shall we.

Enton has taken it upon himself to ban me for a month for something he has not even witnessed because the Poles (who, by the way, tried to DDoS the server and succeeded in creating a lag switch to piss us off) are upset that we killed them a bunch of times in 2 battles that were both observed by mods.
Enton in this case has no authority to ban me because for once I didn't even do anything.
You know who was flying during the battle? The papiezowyblues guy was flying the entire battle taunting us. I bet he didn't tell you that, did he? Certainly not. You don't just get to ban me for a month because you decided you didn't like what we did during the battle. Vlad informed me that if I cheated during the battles I would be banned and he watched and made sure I didn't. As for the second battle, Venomthrope and I fought side by side and if he saw me cheating (which I didn't) I'm sure he would have loved an excuse to ban me.

It is clear from this that Enton not only hates me personally, but doesn't care about the crimes of his beloved Polish brethren. As such, we can determine that he is biased, and in no way impartial in his rulings. How can he determine who was cheating during a time in which he was not present? Because the Poles told him so? Because he has a hunch? This is the umpteenth time he has seen it fit to ban me for vague reasons and for a ridiculous amount of time simply because he doesn't like me. Enough is enough.

You know the drill.

Pro vote: ✔ Anti vote: ✘

Name Pro/Anti Comments
K_Chris I think it's important to note that before accusations of Venom not doing his job during the battle arise, he did indeed permaban kovio for using TNT.
areteee If Chris is speaking the truth, there are plenty of other minor reasons, but they add up over time, this would be the final one
Enton xD “There are plenty of other minor reasons, but they add up over time, this would be the final one” - to ban Chris, especially regarding his previous bans?
kovio Finally
caBastard I have nothing personal against Enton but what K_Chris says is true. You just don't come back to ban someone over something you didn't even get to watch. I've been observing the chat and it has come really obvious how biased Enton is towards his fellow nationals. He has stretched his powers to protect his people rather than all the players of the server. Seeing how he's taking this as a joke is pretty much evidence of how he has been corrupted.
FlakeSe Free Murderer Christopher
Blendzior “Yeah we did some pretty bad stuff BUT LOOK AT THOSE POLISH GUYS, THEY DID SOMETHING BAD TOO WHICH MAKES US INNOCENT” Also, papiezowyblues is not a citizen of Onionland and yes, he should be banned as well. Enton did nothing wrong.
Hinoarashi Why
Shakomatic Enton for Best Mod of 2012
te3 Cry more. Also the poles are not a contiguous entity.
TheDookie I have nothing personal either against Enton, but he's not what I would call a good mod. And like many oldfriends on this server, I have known a lot of mods
P_P_A Enton is the best mod. His handling of the Poles colonising Finngolian clay was suboptimal, but that's the only stain on his otherwise white west and history of excellent modship.
Rosen ✘D ✘————-D
MystiaLorelei Exactly what P_P_A said.
Sikandar Not in good taste. Also, these issues shouldn't be put up to vote or proposition.