Office of National Intelligence

Office of National IntelligenceOficina Nacional de Inteligencia
Γραφείο της Εθνικής Υπηρεσίας Πληροφοριών

Seal of the O.N.I.
Established Classified
Country Merchant Republic of West Rhodes
Size Classified
Part of West Rhodes Armed Forces
Motto Semper Vigilans
Lord Chief of Staff Classified
Abbreviation ONI

The West Rhodes Office of National Intelligence (Spanish: Oficina Nacional de Inteligencia Greek: Γραφείο της Εθνικής Υπηρεσίας Πληροφοριών [Grafeío ti̱s Ethnikí̱s Ypi̱resías Pli̱roforió̱n]) is the intelligence and counter intelligence operations service branch of the West Rhodes Armed Forces. The ONI works for the national and international security of West Rhodes and all other major nations. It enforces the will of the House of Lords inside and outside of the Merchant Republic of West Rhodes.

It conducts espinage operations on ONI Classified nations. As a matter of fact, anything related to the ONI is Classified, and so should be this article.

From now on this article is Classified.