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Grand Duchy of Hohenfels
Motto 養正之心ヲ弘ム
spread the spirit of nurturing rightness
Capital Nouvelle Reims
Official Languages Breshikan
Official Religion Roman Catholicism
Demonyn Hohenfeelian\ Hohen
Government Feudal Monarchy
Leader Niller
Establishment Dec 19th, 2015
Population 3
Abbreviation Hohenfels

Born from the ashes of countless wars, the new duchy of Hohenfels was born. Legend says a man from the Orient came and adopted the ways of the gaijin to lead the duchy into prosperity.


Christmas eve Crisis

Read: Habbenings

Political Subdivisions

Two main Counties make up the grand duchy, Nouvelle Reims and Castile. Within these counties districts are outlined. The County of Nouvelle reims is the Capital of Hohenfels. It is governed directly by the Grand Duke while the County of Castile is govern by the wife of the duke, Duchess Refyr, until a proper Duke can be found. Count opti operates a county outside the immediate state.

1. Nouvelle Reims, with Districts A-D 2. Castile, with Districts A-E

